
Like standard Japanese, Vな is also used in Kansai-ben for strong prohibition. However, instead of the dictionary form? as in standard Japanese, the stem? form is used.

Common uses: 

Grammar elements: 

Kansai vs. Standard: 

Standard V? (dictionary form?) な
Kansai-ben V (stem?) な


u-verbs and ru-verbs that have stem? with two or more characters V? (stem)
ru-verbs that have single character stem and irregular verbs V (stem) with the final vowel extended


With u-verbs and ru-verbs that have stem? with two or more characters.

Standard   する  くる 
Kansai-ben   しぃ  きぃ 

With ru-verbs that have single character stem? and irregular verbs.

Standard   べる 
Kansai-ben   べ  


Final るand Vんな

In the verbs that end with る, that final る often changes into ん.

Standard 食べ
Kansai-ben 食べ
(basic form)
食べな 寝ぇな
Standard こんなところで寝るなよ。
Kansai-ben こんなとこで寝んなや。
English You can't sleep here.

The function of Vな can depend on the accent

Vな can have different function depending on the accent.

Vな with a downstep? = negative imperative (prohibition)
Vな without a downstep = affirmative imperative (giving advice)

(LHL) 飲みな (LLL) 飲みな
Standard もう、さけ飲むなよ。 あついからゆっくり飲むんだよ
Kansai-ben もう、さけ飲みなや。




English You shouldn't drink anymore. It's hot so drink it slowly.

L = low pitch?
H = high pitch

Other phrases of prohibition: Vたらあかん and Vんとき

Besides Vな, there are other phrases for prohibition such as Vたらあかん and Vんとき. The differences between these three are in the degree of prohibition.

Standard Kansai-ben English
Vな Vな Don't V?
Vたらだめ Vたらあかん You shouldn't...
V しないで
from shinaide okinasai
Vんとき Don't V [fairly low key]
Standard 明日、二日よいになるから、もう飲まないで
Kansai-ben 明日、二日よいになるよって、もう飲まんとき
English If you don't stop drinking you'll have a hangover tomorrow.